Monday, June 17, 2013

Life as I knew it

What a lazy girl. ^^ 

Not sure if anyone reads this anymore but I'm still going to post! 

Life has been good, really good. Been back to work now for a week. It has been great to see my work family and get back into the swing of every day life. The first day back was a bit rough.. But I've finally got the groove back and feel like I haven't missed a beat.. Although I do forget stupid stuff here and there! 

Everything is going good with my medications- except still having side effects with myfortic. I'm not sure that will ever straighten itself out. Doc says ill still be getting blood draws twice a week until July. Labs have been good.. Creat runs from .9 to 1.1 depending on hydration and prograf level. It seems when the prograf creeps up so does my creat a bit. 

Incision is okay. It gets sore after work, prolly just getting used to all the moving around- not lifting anything over 20lbs at work! 

Other than that things are good. Ill post some more once I get my hands on a computer.

Xoxo, britt 

Friday, June 7, 2013

10 weeks since this journey began..

It feels so good to be able to say I feel so good only 6 weeks since I received this kidney. I remember my last day of work like it was yesterday and I remember getting my it was yesterday. Now I go back to work in 2 days, less days per week but work none the less- or normalcy as I like to think of it. To me this is kinda the last step to it. 
Everything else is going well- the swelling has gone down some more but still noticeable. I wore jeans for the first time postop the other day..again normalcy. Been enjoying summer. Ron has had this whole last week off and it's my last week so it's been nice spending time together. 
As far as labs go I'm still going twice a week but hopefully at my next appointment that will change. Numbers have been normal- except my prograf which was high so they adjusted my dosage down and yesterday it was within range. Creatinine has been stable at 1.0-1.1 and BUN was great at 15. Meaning the kidney is filtering pretty well so I am happy. They adjusted the dose of the myfortic because of side effects. 
Still chuggin water like a fish. Instead of buying new shoes I feel like I'm buying new water bottles instead lol. 
Ron & I set a date for 9/6/14 and we booked a venue. I have a pretty sick obsession with looking at wedding stuff it's so much fun! 

Will update again next week.. Until then xoxo, britt